Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Today, our tailou Miss Yeap told us : Let's ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!! Boom Boom~ Let's dissect some mice.

Ok, so we did dissect those mice. They are dead for few days already. Bad smell indeed. So Miss Yeap did some demonstration and we did it on our own later on. We even cut the brain out. ''Pulling out'' the skull, some eye-plucking procedure by Ivan Chong, and after some more cute and pull, we managed to put those body parts on a 'plate', and then took pictures.
It's really fun when you pull the eyes out, cut mice meat with SCISSORS (BEST PART.) like mad, and then arrange them like selling white chicken Bai Jan Ji. The mouse skin is also, totally pulled out. A baby dinosaur we had there.

Miss Yeap is so good lah. Favourite teacher. <33. Haha.

And of course some group picture, since it's the 2nd last day already.

1 comment:

min may said...

where r those pic?
i wanna wacth!!